Healthcare Marketing: Tips and Trends in 2023


Over the last few years, we’ve seen a big shift in the way that health consumers prefer to receive their information. From the declining reach of organic social media efforts to the drive for video marketing to take centre stage, as technology changes and moves through its lifecycle, so does consumer behaviour. Here are five […]

Prevent and Treat Back Pain at Work

person at work suffering of back pain

The stress of work can be a real pain in the back. Painful back problems are common in office jobs due to being seated in the same position for an extended period of time, day after day, as well as in jobs that require heavy lifting, such as the trades. Back pain can be a […]

HealthNow: The Easiest Marketing Tool For Your Clinic?


As a clinic owner, talking about marketing techniques, strategies, and having to “keep up with the latest trends” can feel exhausting. Moreover, many practitioners wonder whether the time and cost investment is really worth it – and in most cases, it’s a matter of rolling the dice, paying the money, and only then finding out […]

Running Boosts Work Performance: So How Can You Support Your Staff That Run?


It’s easy to think of your employee’s extracurricular activities as just that – something that is entirely independent from their 9-5. But as an employer, you may find it interesting to learn that those employees that engage in regular exercise like running may actually be supporting their work performance in more ways than you know. […]

Preventing Tech Neck Pain For Your Staff


If your team works regularly on a computer, tablet, mobile device, or performs any actions where they have to regularly and for prolonged periods by tilting their head downwards, they’re at risk of a common workplace problem: tech neck pain. Tech neck, coined “text neck” in adolescents, describes regularly keeping your neck facing forwards and […]

Worried About Your Children’s Foot Or Leg Health?


As parents, it can be confusing to discern between whether what we’re seeing is normal or whether something is wrong when it comes to our children’s foot and leg health. With so much growth and change over the first decade of their lives, paired with friends and family often giving unsolicited advice about whether something […]

Could Balance Exercises Help You Live Longer?


Maintaining our balance, strength and flexibility as we age has numerous health benefits – not only in helping us stay active and independent, but also in helping prevent a very serious global problem: the dangers and repercussions of having a fall. Falls are the single biggest cause of injuries for New Zealanders across all age […]

The Importance of Maintaining a Balanced Diet

A woman preparing a healthy meal with fresh food.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a balancing act of regular exercise, access to healthcare and leading a balanced diet:  Exercise is important for both your physical and mental health, promoting physical strength, improving mood, body weight management and reducing the risk of disease.  Equal access to healthcare is something we all deserve, along with the […]

Is Your Healthcare Policy Hesitating New Hires?

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After the global health events of the last few years, the state of our personal health has come into the spotlight – as has how employers are choosing to support their team with their health, both financially and otherwise. Paired with a record-low unemployment rate of 3.1%, and the healthcare industry is filled with dire […]

Allied Health Clinics Missing Out On Revenue & Patients

According to the New Zealand health survey, one in three kiwis have reported experiencing one or more types of unmet primary care needs – and one of the key contributing factors is the cost barrier. While this creates a direct and significant impact on the health of many kiwis that demands urgent action, it can […]

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