Your Clinic’s Welcome Pack: Promoting Repeat Business And Word Of Mouth Referrals

As a clinic owner, you want to be doing everything you can to optimise your clinic’s processes and leave your patients happy to spread the word about their satisfaction with your services and their overall experience with you. One way many clinics have taken a proactive approach to building this rapport is with a welcome […]

Tips To Create The Best Cancellation Policy For My Clinic

  A good cancellation policy shouldn’t just help cover your clinicians’ time for missed bookings when a patient fails to give reasonable notice and without a genuine reason. They should also set your patients and your clinic up for success so that the policy doesn’t need to be enforced in the first place. Here’s an […]

Allied Health Clinics Missing Out On Revenue & Patients

According to the New Zealand health survey, one in three kiwis have reported experiencing one or more types of unmet primary care needs – and one of the key contributing factors is the cost barrier. While this creates a direct and significant impact on the health of many kiwis that demands urgent action, it can […]

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